Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007

Blue Spring (2001)

Production: Kiss Films
Color / Length: Color, 83 minutes
Director: Toshiaki Toyoda
Actors: Ryuhei Matsuda, Hirofumi Arai, Sousuke, Takaoka, Yusuke Oshiba

Director Toshiaki Toyoda who brought us „Pornostar“ delivers a second masterpiece in cool nihilism – Blue Spring. Similar to Pornostar theres a cool Guitar Rock Score underlining the scenes when there is a point to make. The movie follows a band of misfits making their way through High School or rather… not making it through. Kujo is the seemingly detatched Boss, but it only is his ability of being the best in a game where the one who claps his hands the most, whilst hanging from a rooftop fence, that he had come so far. His Childhood chum Aoki expects something to happen, but Kujo doesent really care about his status, though he does defend it against others. He rather watches the going-ons, never really emotionally involved. Aoki, who is being pushed around by others, breaks with Kujo, when Kujo tells Aoki that he cant always rely on him helping him out with his problems. This leads to fatal consequences. The movie focuses on Kujo and Aoki, but there are some other characters, that do get the time to unfold. Hori and Ghost are two tragic/sad cases, that don’t manage it through High School alive or unbuttered. Then there is the midget Gardening Teacher who watches the boys and tries to give advice… advice that comes to late for Kujo, as he learns, that friendship is a precious thing, that one should cherish. A movie that practically only takes place on the High School grounds, a microcosmos on its own, with its rules and laws. Some striking set-pieces, magnificent actors and a Punk-Rock Score, that I’ll have to find on CD sometime, make this film worth watching. The downbeat overall feel and the missing of action (there is some, but its never really shown onscreen) could make this one a tough cookie for those who expect Volcano High or similar fare from Blue Spring. As a Part of “Youth in Peril watched by the Yakuza” I’ll give it...

4 Kitanos

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